Software Quality and Productivity
Peter Juliff and 3 more
Not Available
Computer Networks, Architecture and Applications
S V Raghavan and 2 more
Integrated Network Management IV
International Symposium on Integrated Network Management and 4 more
Information Security -The Next Decade
IFIP TC 11 International Conference on Information Security and 3 more
Intelligent Networks
Jarmo Harju and 3 more
Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks
Demetres D Kouvatsos and 1 more
World Conference on Computers in Education VI
IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education and 3 more
Information Systems Development for Decentralized Organizations
IFIP Working Conference on Information Systems Development for Decentralized Organizations and 3 more
Visual Database Systems 3
IFIP 26 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems and 3 more
Re-Engineering the Enterprise
Jim Browne and 2 more
Data Communications and Their Performance
IFIP WG 63 Conference on Performance of Computer Networks and 3 more
Achieving Quality in Software
International Conference on Achieving Quality in Software and 3 more
Environmental Software Systems
Ralf Denzer and 2 more
Distributed Platforms
IFIPIEEE International Conference on Distributed Platforms and 2 more
Architectures for Enterprise Integration
Péter Bernus and 4 more
Design Principles for Interactive Software
Christian Gram and 2 more
Implementing Systems for Supporting Management Decisions
Patrick Humphreys and 1 more
Mobile Communications
IFIP World Conference on Mobile Communications and 3 more
Information Systems and Technology in the International Office of the Future
Bernard Glasson and 3 more
The Virtual Campus
M Felisa Verdejo and 2 more
High Performance Networking, VII
IFIP TC 6 International Conference on High Performance Networks and 1 more
Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing
IFIP TC 5WG 53WG 57 International Conference on the Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing and 4 more
Integrated Network Management V
IFIPIEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management and 5 more
Information Systems and Qualitative Research
IFIP TC 8WG 82 International Conference on Information Systems and Qualitative Research and 4 more
Re-Engineering for Sustainable Industrial Production
OEIFIPIEEE International Conference on Integrated and Sustainable Industrial Production and 2 more
Human-Computer Interaction
INTERACT 97 Conference and 4 more
Testing of Communicating Systems. Vol.10 IFIP TC6 10th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems, 8-10 September 1997, Cheju Island, Korea
IFIP TC 6 International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems and 3 more
Decision Support in Organizational Transformation
IFIP TC8 WG83 International Conference on Organizational Transformation and Decision Support and 2 more
Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification Testing and Verification
IFIP TC6 WG61 Joint International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols FORTE X and Protocol Specification Testing and Verification PSTV XVII and 1 more
Computer Applications in Production and Engineering
IFIP TC5 International Conference on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering CAPE 97 and 3 more
An Ethical Global Information Society
IFIP TC9 WG 9295 International Conference on Culture and Democracy Revisited in the Global Information Society and 3 more
Database Security XI
IFIP TC11 WG113 International Conference on Database Security and 3 more
Organizing the Extended Enterprise
IFIP TC 5 WG57 International Working Conference on Organizing the Extended Enterprise and 3 more
Advances in Production Management Systems
N Okino and 2 more
Capacity Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries
34 35 Working Conference on Capacity Building for IT in Education in Developing Countries IFIP TC3 WG31 and 3 more
Experimental Learning in Production Management
R Smeds and 2 more
Performance and Management of Complex Communication Networks
T Hasegawa and 3 more
Broadband Communications
IFIP TC6WG62 International Conference on Broadband Communications and 3 more
Data Mining and Reverse Engineering
Stefano Spaccapietra and 2 more
Performance of Information and Communication Systems
IFIP TC6WG63 International Conference on Performance of Information and Communication Systems and 3 more
Visual Database Systems 4 (VDB4)
IFIP TC 2WG 26 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems and 3 more
IFIP TC10WG105 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration of SystemsonChip and 3 more
Jan Goossenaerts and 2 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture VI
CCTA Conference
Local and Metropolitan Communication Systems
Toshiharu Hasegawa and 3 more
Protocol Test Systems VIII
Ana Cavalli and 1 more
Serge Fdida and 1 more
AS Sethi and 2 more
Protocols for High-Speed Networks V
Walid Dabbous and 1 more
Integrating Information Technology Into Education
Donald Watson and 1 more
Protocols for High Speed Networks IV
G Neufeld and 1 more
IFIP WG57 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IX
CCTA Conference and 1 more
Intelligent Systems for Manufacturing
IEEEIFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing and 4 more
Knowledge and Technology Integration in Production and Services
IEEEIFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing and Services and 4 more
Internet Technologies, Applications, and Societal Impact
Applications and 4 more
Semantic Issues in E-Commerce Systems
Karl Aberer
Learning in School, Home, and Community
Home and Community IFIP TC3WG35 International Working Conference on Learning with Technologies in School and 4 more
Informatics and the Digital Society
Ethical and 3 more
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems V
IFIP TC11WG115 Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems and 1 more
Control of Distributed Parameter and Stochastic Systems
International Conference on Control of Distributed Parameter and Stochastic Systems and 2 more
Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations
Luis M CamarinhaMatos and 1 more
Database Security XII
IFIP TC11 WG113 International Working Conference on Database Security and 2 more
Mobile Information Systems
IFIP TC8 Working Conference on Mobile Information Systems and 3 more
Emerging Solutions for Future Manufacturing Systems
Luis M CamarinhaMatos
Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing II
IFIP TC5 WG5357 International Working Conference on the Design of Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing and 2 more
Integrating Human Aspects in Production Management
Gert Zülch and 2 more
Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks
IFIP TC6WG68 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks and 4 more
Intelligent Information Processing II
Qing He
Optical Networks and Technologies
Kenichi Kitayama and 2 more
Network Control and Engineering for QOS, Security and Mobility, III
Dominique Gaïti and 2 more
E-Training Practices for Professional Organizations
Paul Nicholson and 3 more
Knowledge and Skill Chains in Engineering and Manufacturing
Eiji Arai and 3 more
Technology Enhanced Learning
JeanPierre Courtiat and 2 more
History of Nordic Computing
Janis Bubenko and 2 more
Certification and Security in Inter-Organizational E-Services
Enrico Nardelli and 1 more
Business Agility and Information Technology Diffusion
IFIP TC8 WG 86 International Working Conference and 1 more
Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning
Tom J van Weert and 1 more
Knowledge Sharing in the Integrated Enterprise
Peter Bernus and 1 more
Designing Ubiquitous Information Environments
IFIP TC8 WG82 International Working Conference and 1 more
Designing Ubiquitous Information Environments: Socio-Technical Issues and Challenges
Carsten Sørensen and 3 more
Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding Environments
Luis M CamarinhaMatos and 2 more
Challenges of Expanding Internet: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government
Matohisa Funabashi and 1 more
New Trends and Technologies in Computer-Aided Learning for Computer-Aided Design
Achim Rettberg and 1 more
EUNICE 2005: Networks and Applications Towards a Ubiquitously Connected World
Carlos Delgado Kloos and 2 more
Strategic Management of the Manufacturing Value Chain
International Conference of the Manufacturing ValueChain and 2 more
Open Source Systems
Ernesto Damiani and 3 more
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems
IFIP TC 8 International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems and 3 more
The Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational Resilience
Fourth IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science - TCS 2006
Gonzalo Navarro and 2 more
Education for the 21st Century - Impact of ICT and Digital Resources
Deepak Kumar and 1 more
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice
IFIP World Computer Congress and 1 more
Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction
IFIP TC2TC13 WG27WG134 Working Conference on Engineering for HumanComputer Interaction and 3 more
Project E-Society
eBusiness and 2 more
Knowledge Management for Educational Innovation
IFIP WG 37 Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management and 4 more
The Information Society: Innovation, Legitimacy, Ethics and Democracy In Honor of Professor Jacques Berleur S.j
Philippe Goujon and 4 more
Virtuality and Virtualization
Kevin Crowston and 2 more
Trust Management
Sandro Etalle and 1 more
Trust Management III
IFIPTM 2009 and 2 more
VLSI-SoC: From Systems to Silicon
Ricardo Reis and 2 more
Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences
Jolita Ralyté and 2 more
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II Volume 1
Li D Xu and 2 more
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II Volume 2
Li Xu and 2 more
Lean Business Systems and Beyond
Tomasz Koch
IFIP TC5 Advanced Production Management Systems Conference and 1 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, Volume I
Daoliang Li
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, Volume II
Information Security Management & Small Systems Security
IFIP TC11 WG111WG112 Working Conference on Information Security Management Small Systems Security and 2 more
Micro-Assembly Technologies and Applications
Sandra Koelemeijer and 1 more
Trust Management II
Yücel Karabulut and 3 more
Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks II
Ali Miri
Information Technology in the Service Economy
Michael Barrett and 3 more
IFIP TC 8WG 82 and 2 more
Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises
IFIP TC5 WG53PRODNET Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises and 2 more
Knowledge Management in Action
Mark S Ackerman and 3 more
Mark S Ackerman
Human-Computer Interaction Symposium
TC13 HumanComputer Interaction Symposium and 5 more
Fifth IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science - TCS 2008
Giorgio Ausiello and 3 more
Fifth IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
G Ausiello
Computer-Aided Innovation (CAI)
Gaetano Cascini
Proceedings of the IFIP TC 11 23rd International Information Security Conference
Sushil Jajodia and 2 more
Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society
Michael Kendall and 1 more
IFIP TC 3 EDL2L Conference and 3 more
Wireless and Mobile Networking
Zoubir Mammeri
Advances in Digital Forensics IV
IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics and 2 more
Intelligent Information Processing IV
Eunikka MercierLaurent and 1 more
Creativity and HCI: From Experience to Design in Education
Paula Kotzé and 4 more
Evolution of Information Technology in Educational Management
Arthur Tatnall and 3 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture II, Volume 1
Daoliang Li and 1 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture II, Volume 2
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture II, Volume 3
Emerging Challenges for Security, Privacy and Trust
Dimitris Gritzalis and 1 more
Testing of Communicating Systems
Elena Ferrari and 3 more
Information Systems - Creativity and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Information Systems -- Creativity and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Gurpreet Dhillon and 2 more
Education and Technology for a Better World
Arthur Tatnall and 1 more
History of Nordic Computing 2
John Impagliazzo and 2 more
Growth and Development of Computer Aided Innovation
Runhua Tan and 2 more
Software Services for E-Business and E-Society
Claude Godart and 3 more
Leveraging Knowledge for Innovation in Collaborative Networks
IFIP WG 55 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises and 3 more
Protocols for High-Speed Networks VI
IFIP TC6 WG61 WG64IEEE ComSoc TC on Gigabit Networking International Workshop on Protocols for HighSpeed Networks and 2 more
Analysis, Architectures and Modelling of Embedded Systems
Achim Rettberg and 4 more
Critical Infrastructure Protection III
IFIP Working Group 1110 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection and 3 more
Charles Palmer and 1 more
System Modeling and Optimization
Adam Korytowski and 3 more
VLSI-SoC: Design Methodologies for SoC and SiP
Christian Piguet and 2 more
Emerging Trends in Technological Innovation
Human Work Interaction Design
IFIP WG 136 Conference and 1 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture III
China Communications and Transportation Association and 2 more
Human Benefit Through the Diffusion of Information Systems Design Science Research
Jan PriesHeje and 4 more
Open Source Software
International Conference on Open Source Systems and 1 more
Open Source Software: New Horizons
Pär J Ågerfalk and 4 more
Privacy and Identity Management for Life
96116 and 2 more
Michele Bezzi and 4 more
Trust Management IV
Masakatsu Nishigaki and 3 more
Balanced Automation Systems for Future Manufacturing Networks
Ángel Ortiz Bas and 2 more
Theoretical Computer Science
Christian S Calude and 1 more
Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society
Nicolas Reynolds and 1 more
Enterprise Architecture, Integration and Interoperability
Peter Bernus and 2 more
Communications: Wireless in Developing Countries and Networks of the Future
Ana Pont and 2 more
Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems
Mike Hinchey and 6 more
Knowledge Intensive Computer Aided Design
IFIP TC5 WG52 Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD and 3 more
Security and Privacy - Silver Linings in the Cloud
Kai Rannenberg and 2 more
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice III
Max Bramer
Peter Forbrig and 2 more
Cultural Computing
Ryohei Nakatsu and 3 more
E-Government, E-Services and Global Processes
Marijn Janssen and 3 more
Hiroshi Takeda
Collaborative Networks for a Sustainable World
Advances in Digital Forensics VI
KamPui Chow and 1 more
Advances in Production Management Systems: New Challenges, New Approaches
Bruno Vallespir and 1 more
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
Harris Papadopoulos and 2 more
Intelligent Information Processing V
Zhongzhi Shi and 3 more
Software Services for E-World
Wojciech Cellary and 1 more
Critical Infrastructure Protection IV
Tyler Moore and 1 more
Policies and Research in Identity Management
Elisabeth de Leeuw and 2 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IV
Daoliang Li and 2 more
Information Technology and Managing Quality Education
IFIP TC 3WG 37 International Working Conference on Information Technology in Educational Management and 4 more
Arthur Tatnall and 2 more
Technological Innovation for Sustainability
Electrical and Industrial Systems IFIP WG 55SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing and 2 more
Engineering Methods in the Service-Oriented Context
IFIP WG 81 Working Conference on Method Engineering and 4 more
Building the E-World Ecosystem
eServices and 3 more
Researching the Future in Information Systems
Mike Chiasson and 2 more
Mike Chiasson and 3 more
Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing
SoRuCom 2006 and 2 more
Trust Management V
IFIPTM Conference
International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems and 4 more
Adaptation and Value Creating Collaborative Networks
IFIP TC5 WG55 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises and 4 more
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks Part I
International Conference EANN and 4 more
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
Lazaros S Iliadis and 1 more
Open Source Systems: Grounding Research
Scott Hissam and 3 more
Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems
IFIP WG 86 International Working Conference on Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems and 2 more
Critical Infrastructure Protection V
Jonathan Butts and 1 more
Technological Innovation for Value Creation
Electrical and Industrial Systems IFIP WG 55Socolnet Doctoral Conference on Computing and 4 more
VLSI-SoC: Forward-Looking Trends in IC and System Design
IFIP TC10WG105 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration of SystemsonChip and 4 more
VLSI-SoC: Forward-Looking Trends in IC and Systems Design
Jose L Ayala and 2 more
Trust Management VI
Theo Dimitrakos and 3 more
Information Security and Privacy Research
IFIP TC11 International Information Security Conference and 1 more
Open Source Systems: Long-Term Sustainability
IFIP WG 213 International Conference on Open Source Systems and 1 more
IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration and 1 more
Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services
IFIP TC5 WG55 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises and 1 more
Lazaros S Iliadis and 2 more
Lazaros S Iliadis and 4 more
Advances in Digital Forensics VIII
IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics and 1 more
Advances in Production Management Systems; Value Networks
IFIP WG57 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems and 1 more
Advances in Production Management Systems. Value Networks: Innovation, Technologies, and Management
Jan Frick and 1 more
Intelligent Information Processing VI
IFIP TC12WG123 International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing and 1 more
ICT Critical Infrastructures and Society
IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers and 1 more
Reflections on the History of Computing
IFIP Working Group 97 and 1 more
Product Lifecycle Management
PLM Conference and 1 more
Product Lifecycle Management: Towards Knowledge-Rich Enterprises
Louis Rivest and 2 more
Shaping the Future of ICT Research
Shaping the Future of ICT Research Conference and 1 more
Critical Infrastructure Protection VI
IFIP Working Group 1110 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection and 1 more
Technological Innovation for the Internet of Things
Open and Social Technologies for Networked Learning
OST Conference and 1 more
Tobias Ley and 3 more
IDMAN Conference and 1 more
Simone FischerHübner and 2 more
Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services
Christos Emmanouilidis and 2 more
Collaborative, Trusted and Privacy-Aware E/m-Services
eServices and 2 more
Christos Douligeris and 3 more
Globalization of Manufacturing in the Digital Communications Era of the 21st Century
International Conference PROLAMAT 98 and 2 more
Next Generation of Information Technology in Educational Management
Don Passey and 2 more
Trust Management VII
Carmen FernandezGago and 3 more
Grand Successes and Failures in IT
IFIP WG 86 International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT
Grand Successes and Failures in IT: Public and Private Sectors
Yogesh K Dwivedi and 3 more
Embedded Systems
IFIP TC10 Working Conference International Embedded Systems Symposium and 1 more
Embedded Systems: Design, Analysis and Verification
Gunar Schirner and 4 more
Open Source Software: Quality Verification
Etiel Petrinja and 3 more
Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems
Lech J Janczewski and 2 more
Information Assurance and Security Education and Training
World Conference on Information Security Education
Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and HCI
Pedro Campos and 5 more
Collaborative Systems for Reindustrialization
Product Lifecycle Management for Society
Alain Bernard and 2 more
Advances in Digital Forensics IX
Gilbert Peterson and 1 more
Digital Product and Process Development Systems
Harris Papadopoulos and 3 more
Environmental Software Systems. Fostering Information Sharing
Jirí Hrebícek and 3 more
Advances in Production Management Systems. Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains
Vittal Prabhu and 2 more
Making the History of Computing Relevant
HC Conference
Critical Infrastructure Protection VII
IFIP Working Group 1110 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection
VLSI-SoC: From Algorithms to Circuits and System-on-Chip Design
Andreas Burg and 4 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture VII Part I Revised Selected Papers
Games in Operations Management
Jens Ove Riis and 3 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture VII Part II Revised Selected Papers
Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Services and Technologies
Marit Hansen and 3 more
Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems
IFIP WG 55SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing Electrical and Industrial Systems and 1 more
Reflections on the History of Computers in Education
International Federation for Information Processing and 1 more
Innovative and Creative Developments in Multimodal Interaction Systems
IFIP WG 55 International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces and 1 more
Yves Rybarczyk and 3 more
Service Science and Knowledge Innovation
IFIP WG 81 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Open Source Software: Mobile Open Source Technologies
Luis Corral and 4 more
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection
Nora CuppensBoulahia and 4 more
Creating Value for All Through IT
Birgitta BergvallKåreborn and 1 more
Trust Management VIII
Jianying Zhou and 3 more
ICT and Society
Kai Kimppa and 3 more
Intelligent Information Processing VII
Advances in Digital Forensics X
Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments
IFIP TC5 WG55 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises
Precision Assembly Technologies and Systems
IFIP TC5 WG55 International Precision Assembly Seminar and 1 more
Svetan Ratchev
IFIP TC12 WG125IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations and 1 more
IFIP TC12 WG125IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations and 4 more
Lazaros Iliadis and 4 more
Advances in Production Management Systems Part 1
Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative and Knowledge-Based Production Management in a Global-Local World
Bernard Grabot and 4 more
Advances in Production Management Systems Part 2
Critical Infrastructure Protection VIII
Product Lifecycle Managment for a Global Market
Product Lifecycle Management for a Global Market
Shuichi Fukuda and 3 more
IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization and 1 more
Christian Pötzsche and 3 more
Key Competencies in ICT and Informatics
International Federation for Information Processing and 2 more
Key Competencies in ICT and Informatics: Implications and Issues for Educational Professionals and Management
Don Passey and 1 more
Digital Services and Information Intelligence
Hongxiu Li and 2 more
Information Systems and Global Assemblages: (Re)configuring Actors, Artefacts, Organizations
Bill Doolin and 3 more
History of Nordic Computing 4
HiNC Conference and 1 more
International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems and 1 more
Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Applications
Ralf Denzer and 3 more
Information and Knowledge Management in Complex Systems
Technological Innovation for Cloud-Based Engineering Systems
Luis M CamarinhaMatos and 3 more
IFIP WG 213 International Conference on Open Source Systems
Open Source Systems: Adoption and Impact
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture VIII
Information Security Education Across the Curriculum
Matt Bishop and 2 more
Trust Management IX
IFIPTM Conference and 1 more
Christian Damsgaard Jensen and 3 more
SEC Conference
Hannes Federrath and 1 more
Computer Science and Its Applications
CIIA Conference International Federation for Information Processing
IFIP TC 5 International Conference
Privacy and Identity Management for the Future Internet in the Age of Globalisation IFIP AICT Tutorials
Jan Camenisch and 2 more
Privacy and Identity Management for the Future Internet in the Age of Globalisation
AIAI Conference
Richard Chbeir and 3 more
Advances in Production Management Systems Part II
IFIP TC5WG57 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems
VLSI-SoC: At the Crossroads of Emerging Trends
Alex Orailoglu and 4 more
Advances in Digital Forensics XI
Risks and Resilience of Collaborative Networks
VLSI-SoC: Internet of Things Foundations
International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration
Luc Claesen and 3 more
IFIP TC 12 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 1 more
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice IV
Tharam Dillon
Critical Infrastructure Protection IX
Mason Rice and 1 more
Product Lifecycle Management in the Era of Internet of Things
Human Work Interaction Design: Analysis and Interaction Design Methods for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces
José AbdelnourNocera and 4 more
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management
International Federation for Information Processing
Technological Innovation for Cyber-Physical Systems
Electrical and Industrial Systems IFIP WG 55SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing
Trust Management X
Technology and Intimacy
IFIP TC9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers
Privacy and Identity Management. Time for a Revolution?
David Aspinall
Socially Aware Organisations and Technologies
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IX Part 2
Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World
ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment
World Information Technology Forum
Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities
CHDDH Workshop and 1 more
VLSI-SoC: Design for Reliability, Security, and Low Power
Advances in Digital Forensics XII
IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics
Critical Infrastructure Protection X
Intelligent Information Processing VIII
Zhongzhi Shi and 2 more
History and Philosophy of Computing
Fabio Gadducci and 1 more
Beyond Interpretivism?
IFIP WG 82 Working Conference on Information Systems and Organizations and 1 more
Product Lifecycle Management for Digital Transformation of Industries
Ramy Harik and 4 more
Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education
SaITE Conference
IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization
Smart Energy Research. At the Crossroads of Engineering, Economics, and Computer Science
Christian Derksen and 1 more
Open Source Systems: Towards Robust Practices
Technological Innovation for Smart Systems
VLSI-SoC: Opportunities and Challenges Beyond the Internet of Things
Michail Maniatakos and 5 more
VLSI-SoC: Opportunities and Challenges Beyond the Internet of Things 25th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Oc
Michail Maniatakos
Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction
Yuko Murayama and 3 more
Information Security Education for a Global Digital Society
Information and Communication Technologies for Development
IFIP WG 94 International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries and 1 more
Trust Management XI
Collaboration in a Data-Rich World
Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection
VLSI-SoC: System-on-Chip in the Nanoscale Era - Design, Verification and Reliability
Thomas Hollstein and 5 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture X
Personal Wireless Communications
IFIP TC6WG68 Working Conference on Personal Wireless Communications and 2 more
Intelligence Science I
Advances in Digital Forensics XIII
Critical Infrastructure Protection XI
Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Intelligent, Collaborative and Sustainable Manufacturing
Hermann Lödding and 4 more
Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning With and About Technologies and Computing
Product Lifecycle Management and the Industry of the Future
José Ríos and 3 more
Lazaros Iliadis and 2 more
Technological Innovation for Resilient Systems
System Level Design from HW/SW to Memory for Embedded Systems
Marcelo Götz and 4 more
Empowering Learners for Life in the Digital Age
Don Passey and 3 more
Don Passey
Open Source Systems: Enterprise Software and Solutions
Ioannis Stamelos and 3 more
Privacy and Identity Management. The Smart Revolution IFIP AICT Tutorials
Digitalisation, Innovation, and Transformation
Kecheng Liu and 3 more
Trust Management XII
Lech Jan Janczewski and 1 more
Precision Assembly in the Digital Age
Information Security Education
World Conference on Information Security Education and 1 more
Advances in Digital Forensics XIV
Smart Working, Living and Organising
Amany Elbanna and 3 more
Collaborative Networks of Cognitive Systems
Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for Data-Driven, Intelligent, Collaborative, and Sustainable Manufacturing
Ilkyeong Moon and 4 more
Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0
This Changes Everything - ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do?
David Kreps and 3 more
Automated Invention for Smart Industries
Denis Cavallucci and 2 more
Critical Infrastructure Protection XII
Jason Staggs and 1 more
Living With Monsters? Social Implications of Algorithmic Phenomena, Hybrid Agency, and the Performativity of Technology
Ulrike Schultze and 4 more
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture XI
Privacy and Identity Management. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in the Age of Big Data IFIP AICT Tutorials
Eleni Kosta and 4 more
In Stock
£62.99 £69.99
Internet of Things. Information Processing in an Increasingly Connected World First IFIP International Cross-Domain Conference, IFIPIoT 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, P
Leon Strous
Histories of Computing in Eastern Europe
Christopher Leslie and 1 more
Histories of Computing in Eastern Europe IFIP WG 9.7 International Workshop on the History of Computing, HC 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Pozna?, Poland, September 19–
Christopher Leslie
Formal Methods for Distributed System Development
Testing and Verification IFIP TC6 WG61 Joint International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols and Protocol Specification and 1 more
Yuko Murayama and 2 more
Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction Third IFIP TC 5 DCITDRR International Conference, ITDRR 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 20–21
Yuko Murayama
Information and Communication Technologies for Development. Strengthening Southern-Driven Cooperation as a Catalyst for ICT4D 15th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Social Implications of Comput
Petter Nielsen
Technological Innovation for Industry and Service Systems 10th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2019, Costa de Caparica, Portug
Environmental Software Systems. Data Science in Action
Ioannis N Athanasiadis and 3 more
Unimagined Futures – ICT Opportunities and Challenges
Francis Bordeleau and 3 more
Francis Bordeleau
Information Security Education. Education in Proactive Information Security
Lynette Drevin and 1 more
Lynette Drevin
ICT Unbounded, Social Impact of Bright ICT Adoption
Yogesh Dwivedi and 3 more
Yogesh Dwivedi
John MacIntyre and 3 more
John MacIntyre
VLSI-SoC: Design and Engineering of Electronics Systems Based on New Computing Paradigms
Nicola Bombieri and 4 more
VLSI-SoC: Design and Engineering of Electronics Systems Based on New Computing Paradigms 26th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2018, Verona, Italy,
Nicola Bombieri
Gurpreet Dhillon and 3 more
Gurpreet Dhillon
Trust Management XIII
Weizhi Meng and 3 more
Weizhi Meng
Sustainable ICT, Education and Learning
Arthur Tatnall
Product Lifecycle Management in the Digital Twin Era
Clement Fortin
Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future
Farhad Ameri and 3 more
Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2019, Austin, TX, USA, September 1–5, 2019, Proceedings, Part
Farhad Ameri
Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems
Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation
Advances in Digital Forensics XV
Gilbert Peterson
Computers and Networks in the Age of Globalization
IFIP TC9 World Conference on Human Choice and Computers and 4 more
Critical Infrastructure Protection XIII
Eunika MercierLaurent and 1 more
Eunika MercierLaurent
New Opportunities for Innovation Breakthroughs for Developing Countries and Emerging Economies
Rachid Benmoussa and 3 more
Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century
Ilias O Pappas and 5 more
Privacy and Identity Management. Data for Better Living: AI and Privacy 14th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School, Windisch, Switzerland, August 19–23, 2019, Revised Selec
Michael Friedewald
Analysis, Estimations, and Applications of Embedded Systems
Marco A Wehrmeister
International Embedded Systems Symposium
Intelligent Information Processing X
Vladimir Ivanov and 4 more
Critical Infrastructure Protection XIV
The Architecture of Scientific Software
IFIP TC2WG25 Working Conference on the Architecture of Scientific Software and 2 more
IFIP WG 136 Conference
Human Work Interaction Design. Artificial Intelligence and Designing for a Positive Work Experience in a Low Desire Society 6th IFIP WG 13.6 Working Conference, HWID 2021, Beijing, China, May 15–16, 2
Ganesh Bhutkar
Learning in the Digital Era
Daryl John Powell
Computational Intelligence in Data Science
Vallidevi Krishnamurthy
Advances in Digital Forensics XVII
Computer Science Protecting Human Society Against Epidemics
Aleksander Byrski
Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5–9, 2021
Alexandre Dolgui
Creative Solutions for a Sustainable Development
Yuri Borgianni
Critical Infrastructure Protection XV
Jason Staggs
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, Energy, and Sustainability 9th IFIP WG 12.6 and 1st IFIP WG 12.11 International Workshop, AI4KMES 2021, Held at IJCAI 2021, Montreal, QC, Canada, Augu
Jun Sasaki
Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of the New Century
IFIP Joint TC6TC11 Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security and 3 more
Product Lifecycle Management - Green and Blue Technologies to Support Smart and Sustainable Organizations Part II
PLM Conference
Product Lifecycle Management. Green and Blue Technologies to Support Smart and Sustainable Organizations 18th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2021, Curitiba, Brazil, July 11–14, 2021, Revise
Osiris Canciglieri Junior
Internet of Things. Technology and Applications
Digital Transformation of Education and Learning - Past, Present and Future
IFIP TC 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education
Privacy and Identity Management. Between Data Protection and Security 16th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School, Privacy and Identity 2021, Virtual Event, August 16–20, 20
Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization
IFIP WG 55SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing Electrical and Industrial Systems
Lekshmi Kalinathan
Systematic Innovation Partnerships with Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology
Robert Nowak
Freedom and Social Inclusion in a Connected World 17th IFIP WG 9.4 International Conference on Implications of Information and Digital Technologies for Development, ICT4D 2022, Lima, Peru, May 25–27,
Yingqin Zheng
Co-creating for Context in the Transfer and Diffusion of IT
Amany Elbanna
VLSI-SoC: Technology Advancement on SoC Design 29th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2021, Singapore, October 4–8, 2021, Revised and Extended Select
Victor Grimblatt
Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing and Logistics Systems: Turning Ideas into Action IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2022, Gyeongju, South Korea, September 25–29,
Duck Young Kim
Internet of Things
IFIPIoT Conference
Critical Infrastructure Protection XVI
Product Lifecycle Management. PLM in Transition Times: The Place of Humans and Transformative Technologies 19th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2022, Grenoble, France, July 10–13, 2022, Revi
Frédéric Noël
Lean, Green and Sustainability
Olivia McDermott
Designing Modern Embedded Systems
IFIP TC10 Working Conference International Embedded Systems Symposium
Privacy and Identity Management
96117 and 1 more
Terje Gjøsæter and 2 more
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Part I
IFIP TC12 WG125IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Part II
Deformable Avatars
Nadia MagnenatThalmann and 1 more
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, Energy and Sustainability
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management
Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems
IFIP Working Group 132 Conference on Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems and 4 more
New Developments in Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
DAIS Conference and 4 more
Digital Enterprise Challenges
George L Kovacs and 2 more
High Performance Networking
IFIP TC6 International Conference on High Performance Networking and 1 more
Security in the Information Society
M Adeeb Ghonaimy and 2 more
Database and Application Security XV
IFIP TC11WG113 Working Conference on Database and Application Security and 2 more
Information Systems
IFIP World Computer Congress and 2 more